Whoopie Pie News — Whoopie Pie Fun
We're in a contest and we need your vote, every single day to get to the next round!
Marcia WigginsWouldn't you love to see the most delicious whoopie pie on the big screen at the big game? We would! If you can help us, we will do everything we can to get there! Intuit is having a contest and the prize is a professionally done ad at the big game (the Super Bowl) in February for one small business. Why couldn't it be us, you ask? Well, we asked the same question! So, we entered the contest! Help us get into the play, vote for us! Here are the details! (Once you get to the link, scroll down till...
Whole Foods Market and tastings!
Marcia WigginsI have to say that Whole Foods Market not only offers good organic foods, it also has a great system for local vendors. They decide which vendors products they would like to carry and pop it in their store. They then allow that vendor, (in this case we are referring to little old us) to go to other Whole Foods Markets within that region. Once you have three Whole Foods Markets in your region, selling your product, you can bounce to the next region and start selling your product there. What this means is that in the foreseeable future we...
We're doing tastings!
Marcia WigginsWe'll be doing a tasting at The Meat House at 450 Payne Road in Scarborough, Maine on August 16th from 3:00pm to 5:00pm! Come join us to taste some gourmet whoopie pies! Don't you want to know the difference between a normal whoopie pie and a Cape Whoopies Gourmet Whoopie Pie? Well, we'll let you taste them for yourself and we'll share as many of our secrets as we can! We will bring some MAINE-IAC's (thats a chocolate cake with vanilla cream, sort of like your grandmother used to make, you remember, right?) and some MARYLOU's FAVORITE (okay, sometimes its...
We're sending out samples!
Marcia WigginsWe are busy sending out samples of our delicious, gourmet whoopie pies to coffee shops, restaurants, grocery stores and upscale markets. If you have any spots that you would really like to see Cape Whoopies in, please let us know! We'd love to make sure that your little neighborhood spot has your favorite flavor of whoopie pies all ready for you, too! We are on our way to 4 places on Tuesday...lets see if we can up that for Wednesday! How many places can I hit with samples? Shall we take bets on it? Here's the deal, if you post...
Contest winner!
Marcia WigginsAnd, we have a winner! She was drawn out of the hat after having gone to our gorgeous new web site and gathered a detail and brought that detail back to our Facebook page. How fun was that? Easy as can be and we had 40 people respond by posting a detail off of our web site! We are happy to announce that the winner of our contest is: CHRISTY SHARP WINTER Thank you, all, for taking the time to come to our site, read a bit and report back. We'll do it again, real soon! Until then,...